Envoyez de l'argent vers


Envoyez facilement de l'argent directement à vos proches en France sans frais de transfert!

Enter your phone number to download

See our rates

Enter your phone number to download

Exchange rate 1 EUR = 0 EUR
Transfer feesZero
We’ll convert100.00 EUR
We’ll charge you100.00 EUR
Estimated arrival3 - 5 minutes
payment service image
We care about how
vous déplacez
votre argent
man in the restaurant
  • Zéro frais de transfert

    Zéro frais de transfert

    Partout dans le monde
  • Envoyez à vos amis et à votre famille

    Envoyez à vos amis et à votre famille

    Envoyez de l'argent à votre famille et à vos amis via des comptes bancaires et des portefeuilles mobiles.
  • Taux compétitifs

    Taux compétitifs

    Des tarifs justes et fiables sur lesquels vous pouvez compter.
  • Notifications instantanées

    Notifications instantanées

    Nous vous tenons informé!
Paiement rapide et sécurisé
envoyez de l'argent en
France en quelques minutes
  • 1. Créez un compte

    1. Créez un compte

    Créez un compte LemFi et vérifiez votre identité pour protéger et sécuriser votre compte.
  • 2. Sélectionnez un bénéficiaire

    2. Sélectionnez un bénéficiaire

    Choisissez à qui envoyer de l'argent. Plus de 30 banques en France sont prises en charge.
  • 3. Confirmez les détails

    3. Confirmez les détails

    Restez maître de la situation pour éviter toute erreur ou retard. Confirmez une dernière fois les informations du bénéficiaire ainsi que le montant.

How we compare!

LemfiRemitlyWestern UnionWorld RemitWise
Western Union
World Remit

**The information provided in this comparison table is based on publicly available data and may be subject to change. Please verify the latest details on our website and independently confirm competitor data for accuracy.

Trusted by over 1 million users

You're in control of your funds. Rely on us to ensure they reach their destination securely, yet don't just take our assurance at face value.


It's my go to option for international transfers. The rates are great and my transfers goes directly to recipient account! Instant and reliable


The service you're rendering is fantastic and really tailor made to specific needs. Very convenient to use with perfect assurance of great and timely delivery.


Great company. Money gets to receiver on time. They are very unique, processing was very unique and fast, and never pay a fee to send money. I am loving it. Thanks to LemFi, my parents can now get money any time.

Dr Judymoses,

My transfers with LemFi has been a smooth one. The customer support services are prompt and for me I think that's one of the best services when you can resolve clients' complaints in a short period of time.


Exceptionally great app. It is very efficient and reliable. The App is extremely fast in transacting between accounts. I will definitely recommend the app many times over.


I have the best experience with using LemFi now. I had introduced many people to this app. They attend to my concerns immediately. I have not had any regrets, since using it to send money. I really appreciate the security and efficiency provided.

Apple Store

Rated 4.8 stars on App Store

Play Store

Rated 4.8 stars on Play Store

Got questions?

Some of most frequently asked questions.

Is LemFi a bank?

LemFi is a financial technology company and is not a bank. RightCard Payment Services Limited is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority, in the UK as an Electronic Money Institution. In Canada, LemFi is registered and regularised by the Financial Transactions and Report Analysis Centre of Canada. In the United States, the remittance and bank services program is sponsored by Community Federal Savings Bank

Where is LemFi available?

How does LemFi work?